In an inspiring display of cultural exploration and community building, a diverse group of young people from Mitrovica embarked on an exciting trip to the cities of Peja and Decan. This one day excursion that took place in December, offered a unique opportunity to discover the rich cultural sites and natural wonders of these regions, as well as to forge friendships and create lasting memories between peers from different backgrounds.

The trip is designed to provide the youth with a deeper understanding and appreciation of the heritage, by visiting historical landmarks, engaging with local communities, and immersing themselves in the cultural tapestry of the cities. These interactions aim to broaden horizons and instill a sense of unity among the participants.

The cultural journey is an integral part of the Reconciliation and Conflict Transformation Activity, a program dedicated to fostering peace and understanding among communities that have experienced divisions. Community Building Mitrovica, in partnership with the New Social Initiative - Nova društvena inicijativa and the Youth Initiative for Human Rights – Kosovo* (YIHR KS), spearheads this initiative with the support of USAID Kosovo.

By encouraging the youth to step outside their neighborhoods and cities, the program seeks to nurture a new generation, who are not only aware of their shared history but are also eager to work towards a collaborative future. The experiences gained from this journey are expected to be transformative, equipping the participants with the skills and perspectives needed to become agents of change in their communities.

As the day was progressing, the young explorers had an opportunity to engage in various activities designed to promote dialogue, mutual respect, and understanding. These ranged from guided tours of significant cultural and religious sites to team-building exercises that emphasize the value of cooperation and shared experiences.

With this excursion, Community Building Mitrovica and its partners continue their commitment to reconciliation and youth empowerment, demonstrating that through cultural exchange and collective endeavors, the foundations for a peaceful and cohesive society can be strengthened.

The significance of the Reconciliation and Conflict Transformation Activity lies in its potential to not only impact the individual lives of the participants but also to contribute to the broader efforts of peacebuilding and community resilience in Kosovo. It is through these small steps that larger strides towards a harmonious society are made possible.

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.